Founded in 1984, our grassroots national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization Family and Home Network offers affirmation, information and advocacy. We focus on children's needs for warm, nurturing relationships with their parents -- and on parents' experiences and feelings as they take the time to meet their children's needs. Our modest expenses are met by member donations, and volunteers accomplish most of our work.
We are using the strength and depth of our organization's experience as we offer this online community space for mothers and fathers.
Here in Family and Home Community members can connect with each other and with our staff and volunteers. We offer workshops, discussions, online video meetings and we'd like to be responsive to your requests, so let us know what you're looking for.
We'd love to hear from you! And we hope you'll contribute your energy and knowledge to the community.
You can use Family and Home Community on your computer, mobile device and/or phone. Please let us know if you have any questions!